Air quality monitoring stations provide scientific basis for air pollution control and treatment. Our industrialization process is accelerating, which leads to the increasing atmospheric pollution problem. At this time, an atmospheric environment monitoring technology is needed to monitor our air quality from time to time, and evaluate the urban environmental quality by monitoring pm2.5, pm10, CO, NO2, SO2, O3 and other pollutants in the city. And find the source of pollution and timely treatment.
Industrial park is one of the main sources of air pollution. WX-CSQX12 air quality monitoring station can monitor and analyze the air quality and other indicators of enterprises in the industrial park, and find pollution problems in time. The ultimate purpose of environmental monitoring is to realize the control and treatment of air pollution. We will continue to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment.
The application of air quality monitoring stations provides more comprehensive and accurate data support for atmospheric environment monitoring, not only monitoring six environmental pollution parameters, but also monitoring conventional environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, optical rainfall, wind speed and direction, which can study the relationship between environmental parameters and air quality, and provide more effective programs for pollution control.

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